Mar 31, 2024 | Blog


1. It is okay to feel unsure of what you want to study

I came to NNU as a freshman with a declared major in Film Studies. As a senior, I am graduating with a degree in Communication Science and a double minor in Acting and Graphic Design. Speaking from experience, you do not need to know exactly what you want to do from day 1. Some students enter college knowing exactly what they want to do, others (like me) do not. Don’t stress, you will figure it out.

2. You will find your people

NNU is a close-knit community that offers acceptance and love. There really is no community quite like it. Not only will you find your friends and establish lifelong relationships, but you will find them within a larger community that cares for you. NNU is a family and you will feel that.

3. Time management is the name of the game

If you can develop good time management skills at the start of college, your experience both during and after college will be 10x easier. There is time for school and there is time for friends—you just have to find the balance.

4. You will learn a lot about yourself

While the goal of college is to get your degree, there is also a lot of growth that happens within yourself. College is a pivotal point where you really begin to discover who you are as a person. It is a time of self-reflection, self-awareness, and self-understanding. Take advantage of this chance to get to know yourself. I promise it will absolutely benefit you long-term.

5. Take that random class that interests you

As a sophomore at NNU, I began to develop an interest in graphic design. I decided to enroll in Graphic Design 1 and, within the first week of taking that course, I marched over to the registrar’s office and added a graphic design minor. Not to say that you should minor in everything that interests you, but college is the perfect time to explore those subjects that pique your curiosity.

6. Make connections with your professors

Your professors will be an extremely valuable asset to you during your time at NNU. Not only do they want to see you succeed, but they want to connect with you on a personal level. They are there to help you, guide you and cheer you on. Making strong connections with your professors will benefit you throughout your time at NNU and beyond.

7. Don’t get too caught up in what others are doing

There is no one right way to do college. Just because someone is doing something one way does not necessarily make it right for you. Don’t get too caught up in what others are doing. Trust that you know what is best for you and then follow that to its end. And if you have to change your major a couple times to get there, that’s what I had to do too and I promise you will be just fine. This is YOUR college journey—own it and enjoy the ride.

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