Carolyn St. Mary
Content Director
Biography: Carolyn St. Mary is the Content Director at Northwest Nazarene University. She graduated from NNU in 2005 with a Bachelor of Arts in English and earned a Master of Strategic Communication in 2022 from Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia. As the NNU Content Director, Carolyn oversees the website, social media accounts, assists with marketing technologies and works with all things “words!” Writing is her specialty, and she creates copy for social posts, the Messenger, internal and external emails, web content, ads, posters, booklets, brochures, signage and anything else you might read. In her spare time, Carolyn reads Advanced Reader Copies of books which she edits and reviews before going to print. She works regularly with four different authors and has provided feedback on a total of 44 books. Carolyn is passionate about grammar, punctuation and language, good communication skills and loving others well through writing and communicating. She is married to her husband of 19 years and has four kids. Though originally from Western Washington, she calls Idaho home.
Favorite Thing About Working at NNU: NNU feels like home. I love the people I get to work with and the students I get to meet. And I especially enjoy working with words every day.