Heidi Zickefoose
University Registrar, Associate Professor
Biography: Heidi earned her BA in English and English Education from NNU and her MoTS in Theatre from Southern Oregon University. She has worked in education for over 30 years, including time teaching overseas in South Korea and Ethiopia. While in South Korea, she was named professional employee of the year and selected multiple times by students to be their baccalaureate or commencement speaker. She has directed over 25 mainstage musicals and plays. She is married to George, whom she met at NNC. Her children are also NNU alums—Alexandra and Korte. George and Heidi lived internationally in South Korea and Ethiopia for nearly two decades before returning to Nampa. They love attending live theatre, walking and traveling together. Fun Fact: Heidi is the third of four generations of NNC/NNU employees.
Favorite Thing About Working at NNU: Engaging with students.