By Karen Pearson
Vice President for Student Life
Joel is his preferred name. Not President Pearsall or President Joel or Dr. Pearsall, just Joel. And it represents well who he is to our campus community. I have had the privilege of participating in the beginning-of-the-year meetings, convocations and fellowship times in which Joel introduces himself to the new student leaders, the new University employees, the new students and their parents, families and supporters. In all of these settings he introduces himself and shares that he prefers to be known and addressed as “Joel.” This small, but significant introduction indicates the type of leader Joel is and the kind of interaction he fosters with students. His approachability invites relationship.
All of us who work directly with students appreciate Joel and Nikki’s desire and willingness to be involved with our student community. Many loved traditions and opportunities for connections have been developed because of their investment in our campus.
Beginning with his charge and encouragement to 100-plus student leaders each August, Joel and Nikki help set the tone for the year. From sharing about influential leaders in his own student journey to the challenge to pick up the trash as they walk across campus, he paves the way for relationship with our student population. His interaction is quickly illustrated with one of the best two days of the year, Move-In Day! There is photographic evidence of Joel and Nikki serving at our first-year residence halls, wearing LAUNCH t-shirts and carrying boxes and belongings up the stairs, allowing him to meet the students and the parents as they move into their new campus home. A really fun tradition many schools have tried to imitate but can’t quite capture the magic of, is Joel offering golf cart rides to students as they head to their first day of classes. Damaged bushes aside, his encouragement to help start their day and college career, is always welcomed.
NNU’s First-Year Retreat was a tradition that started in the fall of 2009, and when Joel became President, he and Nikki have attended them all! Bringing boxes of games and puzzles, Joel and Nikki are busy serving meals, playing games, learning names, cleaning tables, line dancing under the stars and enjoying personal interactions with the students during this event. In their true servant-leadership style, if you don’t grab the vacuum first, one of them will as the leaders transition the room in the lodge multiple times over the weekend. One of the highlights of that time together with our new students is his time of sharing his personal story to the new Nighthawks. He always ends that time with his caveat of “being cheesy,” asking all the new students, the student leaders and the faculty and staff in attendance to gather in a large circle and hold hands as he prays for them and their time as NNU students. I have witnessed some tears and great conversations resulting from that event. His care for the whole person, in this beginning ritual, extends to all students’ experiences as they grow and learn and head toward graduation.
Joel embodies a leadership and ministry of presence. He and Nikki regularly attend student concerts, plays, art shows, recitals, academic presentations and athletic events of every kind. He and Nikki serve root beer floats at one of the largest attended campus events we have each year. Joel sits near the front of most chapels as his schedule allows, he regularly attends Career Fairs and Pinning Ceremonies, Senior Exhibitions and Corlett Snack Nights, to name a few. Nikki and Joel also open their home in fellowship and presence as well. When speaking with a recent graduate about Joel, she wasted no time in sharing about how she felt that Joel wanted to get to know the students individually. She noted that he is relatable and curious about their lives. She shared a conversation she had with Joel and Nikki about wanting to learn how to make a pie. Within the week, she and her friends were invited over to Joel and Nikki’s house to get a pie-making lesson from Nikki (Joel bought pizza so they could enjoy a meal together as well). This is not an atypical experience for students on our campus. For many years, the International Student Club hosted monthly dinners at Joel and Nikki’s, the meal featuring a menu from one of their counties. Nikki, along with the students, buy the ingredients and spend all day preparing the various dishes celebrating their culture. Once the meal is prepared, they open their home to the entire club, guests and faculty/staff to share and fellowship together. The entire student body knows that if they get a package notification from the mailroom, it might be homemade cookies from Nikki! She has made cookies for every student each year, extending their hospitality to campus.
Joel generates mutuality, the students reciprocate affection for Joel. In this era of NIL (Name, Image and Likeness), he should have retained an agent! One does not have to go far to see socks and coasters with his face on them. Posters and cut-outs of Joel advertising yearbook photos or student gatherings. There are stickers and framed portraits of him in residence halls and student offices. They celebrate his birthday with an all-campus birthday party and convince him to be available for student/Joel photo shoots for President’s Day. He is a coveted guest at many student functions, and they persuade him in very creative ways.
As an employee of NNU, and someone who reports directly to Joel, I have been both grateful and challenged by the example and leadership Joel has set. His dedication to engage in students’ experiences on campus can sometimes be intimidating, yet a great example to emulate. On the writable walls in my office, I post agenda items, phone numbers, kids’ drawings, Bible verses and lists. However, in the middle of the wall is a quote. “IF IN DOUBT, TRUST.” These words from Joel have been shared with me on more than one occasion in my bi-weekly meetings with him. It is a hallmark of his leadership to me and others who work closely with him. He shares it often enough that I start to believe it. He trusts me; he trusts me to lean into my training, my experiences, my expertise and declares that I am the right person at this time for this role. This trust inspires me to do well, to help continue the work of creating the well-loved NNU Community and opportunities for students to develop and thrive.
It is our turn to extend that trust to Joel. A student shared that one of the most meaningful things Joel conveyed was his story about letting God lead his path. As an NNC graduate who was headed to a career in tax law, he listened to the call of God on his life that eventually led him to be the President of Northwest Nazarene University. She loves his story as it opens the possibilities of what God has in store for her life, of the impact she might be able to make on others if she too follows God’s calling and leading for her future. Joel trusted God as he said yes to serving at NNU. We trust that he is continuing to listen to the Lord leading him into this new stage in his life. We celebrate with him and Nikki and are grateful for the leadership and community that he so richly served.