Educator Credentials, Certificates, and Endorsement Programs
The College of Education (COE) at Northwest Nazarene University offers high-quality licensure programs at the Initial and Advanced levels, and non-licensure programs in the field of education. Information on educator credentials, certificates, and endorsement programs within the college is summarized below. All COE programs that lead to an Idaho Educator Credential, certificates, and endorsements are approved by the Idaho State Board of Education (ISBE).
All programs in the College of Education are fully accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), the regional accrediting body for Idaho recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDE) and the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

DEGREES with Educator Credentials
Program Name | Program Degree | CAEP Level | Online |
Educational Leadership – Building Level Administration | Master’s, M.Ed. | ADV | YES |
Educational Leadership – Building Level Administration | Specialist or C.A.S. | ADV | YES |
Educational Leadership – Director of Special Education | Specialist or C.A.S. | ADV | YES |
Educational Leadership – The Superintendency | Specialist or C.A.S. | ADV | YES |
Exceptional Child | Master’s, M.Ed. | ADV | YES |
Exceptional Child | Specialist or C.A.S. | ADV | YES |
Elementary Education (ACE) | Master’s, MAT | ITP | YES |
Elementary Education (ACE) | Baccalaureate, BA | ITP | YES |
Secondary Education (ACE) | Master’s, MAT | ITP | YES |
Elementary Education (TUG) | Baccalaureate, BA | ITP | NO |
Biology Education | Baccalaureate, BA | ITP | NO |
Chemistry Education | Baccalaureate, BA | ITP | NO |
English Education | Baccalaureate, BA | ITP | NO |
History Education | Baccalaureate, BA | ITP | NO |
Mathematics Education | Baccalaureate, BA | ITP | NO |
Music Education | Baccalaureate, BA | ITP | NO |
Kinesiology Education (Physical Education) | Baccalaureate, BA | ITP | NO |
Psychology Education | Baccalaureate, BA | ITP | NO |
Spanish Education | Baccalaureate, BA | ITP | NO |
Visual Arts Education |
Baccalaureate, BA | ITP | NO |
DEGREES without Educator Credentials
Program Name | Program Degree | Online |
Curriculum, Instruction and Innovation | Master’s, M.Ed. | YES |
Curriculum, Instruction and Innovation | Specialist or C.A.S. | YES |
Educational Leadership – Organizational Leadership | Specialist or C.A.S. | YES |
Educational Leadership | Doctorate – Ed.D. | YES |
Educational Leadership | Doctorate – Ph.D. | YES |
Exceptional Child | Master’s, M.Ed. | YES |
Exceptional Child | Specialist or C.A. | YES |
*Non-licensure programs are accredited by NWCCU, and excluded from CAEP reviews
ACE: Accelerated Certification in Education
GPS: Graduate & Professional Studies
TUG: Traditional Undergraduate