Concurrent Credit

Forms & Links


Make a Payment- Only for Registered students

This estore is only for use if you have already registered. If you have not previously registered, please complete the online registration form.

Make a Payment

Drop Form

If you are leaving your school or no longer want to receive college credit, please fill out the Student Drop Form or download and return the PDF Form to the Concurrent Credit Office at

Student Drop Form

Academic Petition

Have you missed the registration or drop deadline? You can submit an Academic Petition to request to be permitted to enroll or drop a class after the stated deadline as long as the class is still in session. Complete this online Academic Petition for consideration. You will be notified by email if your petition is approved. Please note an additional $75 fee is charged to all approved academic petitions for late enrollment/drops.

Review process can take up to 2 weeks.

Special Academic Petition Form