Campus & Spiritual Life



At Northwest Nazarene University, we believe that spiritual formation is one of the key pieces of the Christian liberal arts experience. We gather together for chapel three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:10-10:50 in the Swayne Auditorium in the Brandt Center. On Wednesdays, we celebrate Community Chapel, when the entire campus closes down and NNU’s entire body of students, staff, and faculty come together for worship.

At chapel, students hear from a variety of speakers and perspectives. While the Chaplains often bring a message from Scripture, we also regularly hear from on- and off-campus guests who share about their personal experiences, a cause or organization that is particularly significant, or a new perspective that might help to clarify and refine our own beliefs.

We believe chapel is an important part of the NNU experience; every traditional undergraduate student is expected to participate through attending a certain percentage of chapel opportunities each semester. These opportunities extend beyond the weekly chapels and include small groups, our student-led Timeout service each Wednesday night, and special events throughout the year. you can read details about the chapel policy here. If you have questions, contact Michele at

Chapel Livestream

(Does not count for Chapel Credit)

Chapel is live-streamed and recorded on Vimeo. Browse NNU’s Videos on Vimeo for more.