Jan Crabill

Associate Professor of Nursing

Biography: I grew up as an Army brat, traveling the world with my family, learning flexibility, how to make new friends easily, and apparently learning French & German (don’t remember any words!) I received a BA in Sociology from Eastern Nazarene College and a BSN in Nursing from Boston University both in 1979. I graduated with a MSN in Curriculum & Instruction of Maternal-Infant Nursing in 1984. I completed all the coursework for a PhD in Human Development at University of Maryland in 1996 but did not complete the dissertation on “The Impact of Third Trimester Perinatal Loss on Women’s Self Esteem”. I finally returned to doctoral work at Capella University while FT at NNU and graduated in 2015 with a degree in Education and an emphasis in Nursing Education with a research focus on “Best Practices for Baccalaureate Student Nurse Retention in the United States. My first job was a bedside nurse in Washington D.C. on a Mother-Baby Unit for 6 years. Then, after finishing the MSN, I taught at Towson State University in Maryland, teaching new students and the junior OB students. After 6 years at TSU, I moved back to the hospital arena and served as a Nurse Educator Specialist for 17 years. My focus remained on Mother-Baby care and as a Nursing Generalist. Early in my marriage my husband and I both felt a ministry call to FT Christian service. I had been a Sunday School teacher, Bible Quizzing leader, and a Church Board member for most of my adult life. Finally, in 2006, at the age of 49, I finally got a contact to interview at Northwest Nazarene University. I was offered the job and jumped at it. Finally, I was in a place where I not only was allowed to talk about my faith to students but was expected to do so. It is my joy and honor to teach here since then. This is a wonderful place. As nursing faculty we definitely will teach you how to serve the people of our planet when they are in need of healthcare but we also promise you that we will also role model how to be Christ’s servants in a hurting world. Come join us!

Favorite Thing About Working at NNU:The students! It is so much fun to be there when they can integrate what they have learned in the classroom and apply it to a real patient! The “a-ha” moment is a wonderful thing for a teacher to see & experience!