Logan Freiburghaus

Resident Director

Biography: My name is Logan Freiburghaus and I am the Resident Director for the Olsen and Kirkeide apartments. I was born and raised in Nampa, Idaho. NNU has been a meaningful part of my life for many years. I grew up attending packed NNU basketball games as a kid, and spending time on campus as my mom returned to finish her degree. I also attended NNU for my undergraduate degree in Secondary Education. I had an amazing experience, creating life-long memories and relationships, while experiencing true transformation.

Shortly after graduating from NNU, I married my wife and we moved to Missoula, Montana for a few years while she obtained her graduate degree in School Psychology. While in Montana I worked as a para educator and a Spanish teacher, while also coaching football and basketball. After moving back to Nampa, I began work at a local non-profit organization, where I spent about three years. Since then, we have grown our family, having a girl and a boy. My wife works at a local school district as a School Psychologist, and I have held a few positions in the real estate and insurance sectors.
In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family, reading a good book, playing basketball, getting out to hike or fish, or go to the movies. I am blessed to be here on campus as a Resident Director, working with a wonderful team of caring individuals and amazing students. I enjoy getting to know students, having fun, and providing mentorship and guidance throughout this formative time in their lives.

Favorite Thing About Working at NNU: The close knit community and ample opportunity to connect with students and faculty in meaningful ways throughout the year.