Tucker Friberg
Instructor of Mathematics
Biography: I am an NNU alumni who loves math, as well as the intersection of faith, philosophy, and science. I love helping students understand the world from a mathematical perspective and my passion is showing how Jesus and being a believer mixes perfectly well with math & science.
Favorite Thing About Working at NNU: I love interacting with the students, as well as how friendly and welcoming the student body and faculty are.
Share a few facts about your specific area(s) of expertise that you bring to the classroom: I am a graduate of NNU with a B.S. in Mathematics and a B.A. in Math Education. I worked three summers for the NASA Langley Research Center researching experimental drone design for firefighters, as well as mathematical & statistical modeling of the effects of solar eclipses on weather.
Share a few pieces of information that represent your teaching experience and why you love working with students: I really enjoy helping students understand difficult subjects like calculus. I love interacting with students and making math fun.