Profiles: Brad Curtis, Graduate Student

Mar 9, 2025 | Blog

Each issue of the Messenger, we provide a profile for one NNU faculty member, one staff member, one undergraduate student and one graduate student. Meet Brad Curtis, our graduate student profile for Winter 2025. 

Portrait of Brad CurtisNAME: Brad Curtis 

MAJOR: Music Education 

FUTURE PLANS: I plan to continue influencing the next generation of teachers in the U.S. and abroad. 

GRAD YEAR: 2022 

HOMETOWN: Nampa, Idaho 

Fun Fact About You: I drove all around Scotland this summer. 

Favorite Joel (& Nikki) Memory So Far: My favorite memory of Joel and Nikki was how supportive they are of all activities on NNU’s campus. You would see them at basketball games and music events, cheering all students on anytime there was something to cheer for. 

Favorite Thing About Joel (& Nikki): Joel and Nikki embody what NNU’s values look and sound like on a daily basis. NNU is a better place with them in it. 

Something Valuable You Learned at NNU (or Something Valuable You Learned from Joel/Nikki): I learned that making time for people is the most important part of being a Christian. Supporting one another in our struggles and triumphs. NNU students frequently express that we do college different. How do you believe NNU does college different? NNU does college different by allowing education students specifically, to be in an observation classroom their first semester to make sure they know what they are getting themselves into. This was helpful as I switched from elementary education to music education after my first semester of college. 

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