Mar 20, 2023 | Blog

Photo of Dr. Bernadette AndersonEach issue of the Messenger, we provide a profile for one NNU faculty member, one staff member, one undergraduate student and one graduate student. Meet Bernadette, our graduate student profile for Winter 2023.

MAJOR: Doctor in Education (Ed.D.)

FUTURE PLANS: To continue to serve vulnerable populations with sincerity and honor.


HOMETOWN: Lapwai, Idaho

FUN FACT ABOUT YOU: I enjoy gardening and creating art.

FAVORITE NNU MEMORY: My favorite NNU memory is of Dr. Poe. Dr. Poe recruited me to NNU and provided me with timely advice along my journey to obtain three graduate degrees from NNU. He helped me to stay the course for each of my graduate degrees.

FAVORITE THING ABOUT NNU: One of my favorite professors (I had many favorites) was Dr. Bohecker. She provided me the support to complete my dissertation by asking critical questions about my research, challenging me to keep a writing schedule and encouraging me as a Christian to become transformed into a vessel of service to others.

SOMETHING VALUABLE YOU LEARNED AT NNU: NNU provided many valuable lessons over the years while attending courses. My greatest lesson learned was not to give up. Persevering over the challenges and obstacles propelled me to the finish line.

PROUDEST ACCOMPLISHMENT FROM YOUR TIME AT NNU: My proudest accomplishment was walking across the graduation stage to receive my doctoral hood from Dr. Bohecker and then receiving my third signed NNU degree in the mail.

FAVORITE QUOTE: “God is keenly aware of you and your life and its needs and loves you deeply.”—
NNU Graduate Chaplain Fred Fullerton

ADVICE YOU’D OFFER TO FUTURE STUDENTS: Stick in there when the coursework is hard and ask for help understanding what is not yet clear.

WHY YOU CHOSE CHRISTIAN HIGHER EDUCATION: As a believer in Christ, I chose NNU because of the biblical foundation and mission. The biblical principles in each of my courses kept my focus on what really mattered to me in higher education—a transformed life.

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