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Feb 1, 2024 | Blog

Mia was just accepted to the university of her choice (NNU!), and she can’t wait to start the next chapter of her life. She’s 18, lives in Meridian, is a National Honor Society member who plans to study nursing and she’s on the soccer team. Her parents are making many financial sacrifices for her to attend NNU, so the thought of saving a few dollars by living at home might seem appealing. But there are many implications to this choice. Here are just a few.


When you live on campus, every resource is within reach. Academic buildings, the library, common areas and recreational facilities are within walking distance. You are learning where you are living, playing and eating. This is a significant advantage. There is no commute, so more time can be spent on academics and extracurricular activities. Access to every on-campus amenity and resource helps to foster a positive environment for both your learning and your personal growth.


On campus living creates an unparalleled opportunity for you to find and create your own community. Dorms, common areas and shared facilities encourage social engagement, and the relationships forged in on-campus living arrangements almost always lead to lifetime friendships. It is possible to find community as a commuter student, but it is more difficult and requires much more intentional effort. The informal gatherings that happen when you are living and studying alongside others cannot be replicated when you commute. 


Living on campus you will find a wide range of activities you can engage in at a moment’s notice. You can join a club, play sports, get involved in student organizations or just hang out. You’ll likely run into professors outside of the classroom which encourages meaningful dialogue and even impromptu mentoring. You’ll eat meals alongside your peers, laughing at inside jokes and planning your weekend hike. Living on campus will free you from making plans to get involved to just being present when an opportunity comes your way.

Academic Support 

Wherever you choose to attend, if you live on campus the entire range of academic services is available to you without hassle. Tutoring, writing centers, study groups, advising, is all within easy reach. And professors are available during office hours for personalized questions or advice. Access to these resources increases your chances of attaining the academic success you desire. 

Independence and Responsibility 

Most young adults are ready to spread their wings a bit by living away from home. Living on campus allows you to do this while providing support and resources as you learn to live on your own. You are under the guidance of university guidelines and staff, but you are learning essential life skills like time management, budgeting, interpersonal communication skills and decision-making. All of these prepare you to transition to full independence after you graduate. 

Cultural Exposure 

Campus life will bring you together with students from different backgrounds, even cultures. Living in close quarters with peers who have different perspectives, viewpoints and values exposes you to a rich tapestry of ideas. This can enhance your entire experience, teaching you a global mindset and preparing you for an interconnected world. 

Like most decisions you will make in your life, this one is personal. But the sense of community, the social interactions you will have, plus the access to academic resources contribute to a holistic and transformative college experience. In the end, Mia decided residential life was for her! 

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