Northwest Nazarene University
Title IX
Title IX
Northwest Nazarene University is committed to providing an environment that emphasizes the dignity and worth of every member of its community and that is free from unlawful harassment and discrimination.
Such an environment is necessary to a healthy learning, working and living atmosphere because discrimination and harassment undermine human dignity and the positive connection among all people at our University.
NNU is also committed to promptly, impartially and equitably addressing and resolving all reports of sex discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual misconduct. When the University finds that such behavior has occurred, it will take steps to stop the behavior, prevent its recurrence and remedy its effects.
Use the navigation links below to learn more about NNU’s Title IX Policy and to access information and resources to support anyone who has been affected by, knows of, or wants to help prevent an incident or pattern of behavior. There are individuals you can contact with questions and concerns, beginning with NNU’s Title IX Coordinator, Sheila Bryant (208.467.8062).
Title IX Coordinator
The Title IX Coordinator is the designated representative of the University with primary responsibility for coordinating University Title IX compliance efforts, including the University’s efforts to end any sexual misconduct, prevent its recurrence and address its effects. The Title IX Coordinator oversees and monitors the University’s overall compliance with Title IX-related policies and developments; the implementation and oversight of grievance processes and procedures, including review, investigation and resolution of reports of sexual misconduct; the provision of educational materials and training for the campus community; and monitoring all other aspects of the University’s Title IX compliance.
Inquiries or complaints about Title IX, sex discrimination, sexual harassment or other forms of sexual misconduct may be directed to the University’s Title IX Coordinator:
Sheila Bryant
Title IX Coordinator
Emerson Administration Room 208
How to Report to the University
How to Report When You Have Experienced Sexual Misconduct
Anyone who has experienced sex discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual misconduct—including, but not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking—is strongly encouraged to report this experience to the University. Reporting to the University will enable the University to take measures to stop the behavior, prevent it from occurring in the future and provide support, resources and protection.
There are many different ways to report to the University. Reports can be made by telephone, mail, email, in person and online on the NNU Website. Reports may be made at any time, including non-business hours. Reports submitted through the website will go directly to the Title IX Coordinator. You can choose to complete the form anonymously or to provide your name and contact information.
Report To:
Sheila Bryant
Title IX Coordinator
Emerson Administration Room 208
Alison Larson
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Associate Athletic Director for Compliance and Student Affairs
JSC, Main Athletic Office
Kylee Ball
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Associate Vice-President of Student Engagement
Conrad Student Commons Room 133
Andrea Morgan
Director of Human Resource
Emerson Admissions Room 104
You can report to the University without initiating a formal complaint (which results in an investigation and, potentially, disciplinary action) or without reporting to law enforcement. You do not need to submit a formal complaint in order to receive supportive measures from the University. Please see the Northwest Nazarene University Sexual Misconduct Policy for additional information about reporting options and considerations.
Confidential Support
NNU is committed to protecting the privacy of all individuals involved in a report of sexual misconduct and will protect confidentiality to the extent possible, even if there is not a specific request for confidentiality.
The University encourages individuals who believe they have experienced sexual misconduct to talk to someone about what happened. Different people on campus have different reporting responsibilities and different abilities to maintain privacy or confidentiality. Some individuals and campus resources can offer confidentiality while others have specific obligations to report to the Title IX Coordinator when they receive information about sexual misconduct.
Confidential communications are those which legally cannot be disclosed to another person, without the reporter’s consent, except under very limited circumstances. Individuals who want the details of sexual misconduct to be kept confidential should speak with a medical professional, professional counselor, minister or other pastoral counselor, or trained victims’ advocates.
On Campus Confidential Support Resources include: |
NNU Wellness Center 518 E. Dewey Ave (Next to College Church) Nampa, ID 83686 208.467.8466 |
University Chaplain Grant Miller Conrad Student Commons Rooms 136 208.467.8665 |
University Associate Chaplain Ashley Gage Conrad Student Commons Rooms 134 208.467.8636 |
Chaplain for Graduate and Adult Professional Students Fred Fullerton University Mission & Ministry 208.467.8530 |
Off-Campus Support Resources include: |
Nampa Family Justice Center 1305 3rd Street South Nampa, ID 83651 208.475.5700 |
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Center (Idaho Falls, ID) 208.235.2412 (24-hour hotline) |
WCA Rape Crisis Center 208.345.7273 |
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) 800.656.HOPE (4673) |
What To Do If You Have Experienced Sexual Assault
- Get to a safe place.
- Call 911 if in immediate danger, if you are injured or if the community is in possible danger.
- Consider securing immediate professional support on or off campus to assist you in the crisis.
- Seek medical attention, regardless of whether you choose to report or not.
- It is very important to preserve evidence. Take steps to preserve evidence, which may be necessary to the proof of criminal sexual violence or in obtaining a protective order. You may not know right now whether you will contact the police. But in case you later decide to, the evidence available immediately after the assault is crucial. To preserve evidence, follow these recommendations:
- Prior to seeking medical attention, do not shower, bathe, wash your hands, brush your teeth, use the toilet or clean up in any way.
- Bring another set of clothes to the hospital since clothes will be collected as part of the evidence.
- If you have changed clothes, bring your soiled clothing with you for evidence collection.
- Physical evidence can be collected up to 120 hours after an assault.
- Report to the police, if you so choose.
- Talk to a counselor. Even after the immediate crisis has passed, contact confidential on-campus and/or off-campus resources—for emotional support, information, and/or advocacy
- Report the conduct to the Title IX Coordinator at 208.467.8062, if you choose to do so, so that the University may take appropriate action. Note that the Title IX Coordinator is not a confidential resource. The Title IX Coordinator can arrange for interim actions and accommodations, including no-contact directives. The University also can assist in any needed advocacy for community members who wish to obtain a protective order from local authorities. Alternatively, you can contact the Court Clerk located at the Canyon County Courthouse to obtain a civil protective order.
Get Help Now
If you have experienced sexual assault or other violence, it may be hard to know what to do or where to go. Your first step is to get to a safe place. Then you can contact any of the resources listed below for immediate, trained help, including assistance in your decision-making about seeking medical attention, reporting to law enforcement and filing a formal complaint with the University.
For Immediate Help
Dial 911 for local law enforcement.
Call NNU Campus Safety at 208.467.8911 to have a Campus Safety Officer dispatched to your location.
For medical assistance, including a SAFE exam, contact one of the medical centers listed below.
St Alphonsus Medical Center |
St Alphonsus Regional Medical Center |
St Alphonsus Medical Center 4402 E Flamingo Ave. Nampa, ID 83687 208.463.5000 |
St. Luke’s Boise Medical Center 190 W Bannock St Boise, ID 83712 208.381.2222 |
St Luke’s Nampa Medical Plaza 9850 W St Luke’s Dr. Nampa, ID 83687 208.505.2000 |
St. Luke’s Meridian Medical Center 520 S Eagle Rd Meridian, ID 83642 208.706.5000 |
Idaho Falls | ||
Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center |
Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners (SAFE Nurses) are on call in the Treasure Valley hospitals to perform a special exam that includes the collection of evidence. The nurses can also evaluate the risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases and provide resources to help with recovery. Although DNA evidence may be collected up to five days after a sexual assault, it is most likely to yield positive results the sooner it is collected. Choosing to be examined by a SAFE nurse can provide vital evidence and protect your health and safety. Obtaining a SAFE exam does not obligate you to pursue criminal charges, however, the evidence will be available if you change your mind and decide to file charges at a later date.
After Your Immediate Needs Have Been Met
Report to the University so you can receive ongoing support and continue your education in a safe and nondiscriminatory environment.
- Reporting to the University is not the same thing as reporting to law enforcement. Even if you do not report to law enforcement, you are strongly encouraged to report what happened to you to the Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator can take steps to ensure your safety and the safety of others, such as rearranging class schedules, enforcing no-contact orders and preventing retaliation.
- If you want to start by talking to a person rather than looking at a website, you can contact the Title IX Coordinator, Sheila Bryant by email at, by phone at 208.467.8062 or in person at Emerson Administration, Room 208
Receive ongoing support even if you do not file a police report or file a formal complaint with the University.
There are many resources available to support you, both on campus and in the community. You can access them at any time, even if your experience happened weeks, months or years ago.
Consider filing a formal complaint which will result in an investigation and, potentially, disciplinary action against the person who committed the sexual harassment, misconduct or assault.
Help Someone Else
How to Support a Survivor of Sexual Assault
Believe Your Friend
Remember it’s often very difficult for survivors to come forward and share their story, and your reaction may affect whether or not they choose to continue to share this information with others and seek further support. Tell your friend you believe him or her and you want to support him or her in any way you can.
Respect Privacy
Don’t share your friend’s story with others unless you have that person’s permission to do so.
It is natural when listening to a story to want to ask questions and get details about what transpired. In this situation, however, it is best to allow the survivor to control what and how much they would like to tell you about the incident. You should listen actively and non-judgmentally. Reiterate that you are there to listen and support, and allow the survivor to dictate when and how much they wish to say.
Assure Your Friend That it is Not His or Her Fault
Self-blame is common among victims of sexual violence. It is important that, as their friend, you help the survivor understand that no matter what happened—it was not their fault.
Allow Your Friend to Control Next Steps
It is natural to want to try to fix the problem, but know that healing from this event will take a great deal of time, and your friend must maintain the ability to choose how they wish to go about that healing process. You may provide advice, guidance and information about their options for additional support, but allow your friend to decide if, when and how they will pursue these resources. If your friend is hesitant to get help from any outside sources, even those you know are supportive and helpful, offer to go with her/him. Reassure your friend that he/she can speak confidentially with a counselor at The Wellness Center. As a reminder, if your friend would like to make a confidential disclosure, he/she should wait until he/she is speaking with a clinician. When making the appointment, simply indicate the matter is of an urgent personal or confidential nature, and no further information will be required.
Don’t Forget to Support Yourself
Supporting a friend through a trauma can be a difficult and emotionally draining experience for those in the support role as well. Recognize this and don’t hesitate to seek help and support for yourself when you need it. You cannot effectively support your friend without being mindful of your own health and well-being.
Title IX Training
The 2021 Title IX Regulations, specifically 34 CFR Part 106.45(b)(10), mandate the public sharing of materials used to train the University’s Title IX team members including the Title IX Coordinator, Investigators, and Adjudicators. As additional training is completed by Title IX team members, those materials will be added to this page throughout the year.
*Please note that the materials may not be viewable while using Internet Explorer. We recommend viewing with a different browser.
Annual Training for Advanced Title IX Coordinators and Deputy Coordinators (23-24) (trainEd Solutions)
Title IX/VAWA Investigator Training (23-24) (trainEd Solutions)
Title IX/VAWA Investigator Training (23-24) (trainEd Solutions)
Title IX/VAWA Hearing Panel Training (22-23) (trainED Solutions)
Title IX Coordinator
Title IX/VAWA Investigator Training (22-23) (trainEd Solutions)
Title IX/VAWA Hearing Panel Training (22-23) (trainED Solutions)
Advanced Title IX Coordinators and Deputy Coordinators Training under the 2020 Title IX Regulations
Title IX Deputy Coordinators
Annual Training for New Title IX Coordinators and Deputy Coordinators (21-22) (trainEd Solutions)
Annual Training for New Title IX Coordinators and Deputy Coordinators (22-23) (trainED Solutions)
New Title IX Coordinators and Deputy Coordinators Training under 2020 Title IX Regulations
Title IX/VAWA Investigator Training (2223) (trainEd Solutions)
Title IX/VAWA Investigator Training (2122) (trainEd Solutions)
Title IX/VAWA Investigator Training under the 2020 Title IX Regulations
Title IX/VAWA Hearing Panel Training (21-22) (trainEd Solutions)
Other Team Training
Title IX/VAWA Trauma-Informed Training for First Responders, Confidential Resources, and Campus Security (21-22) (trainEd Solutions)
Conducting an Informal Resolution Under Title IX/VAWA
Conducting a Grievance Process Under 2020 Title IX Regulations
Trauma-Informed Training for First Responders, Confidential Resources, and Campus Safety
Reporting Process Flow Chart