Sep 3, 2021 | Blog


Through NNU’s Christian Ministry Online degree program, Sheryl Ice earned her Bachelor in Christian Ministry and is set to graduate in December of 2021 with her MDiv in Missional Leadership. Hear how her experience at NNU has helped prepare her for her career in vocational ministry:

NNU: Congratulations on being so close to completing your Master of Divinity in Missional Leadership! We’re so proud of you. While you’ve been pursuing your degree, what has your career looked like?

Sheryl: I am the Lead Pastor at a local church and the lead of Compassionate Ministry, a non-profit that helps people in need.

NNU: What have been some of the highlights from your time at NNU, in general?

Sheryl: I’ve loved engaging in dialogue with great pastors and professors about how we lead the church into the next era.

NNU: What have been some of the highlights of the Christian Ministry Online degree program?

Sheryl: For me, the online program is, bar-none, the best program. The engagement is great while allowing me to continue to work in my career as I learn and grow. Secondly, building relationships with people around the world that pray with you and for you has been incredible—and finally, engaging with the voices of the Church in a conversation that helps us lead well together.

NNU: What have you gained by being a part of this program?

Sheryl: I gained so much from this program. First and foremost, I received a solid foundation in holiness that will carry me into the world, living out the mission of God’s people. I gained lifelong friendships and strong bonds that encourage us to be bold in our faith as we enter into the waiting world. I gained the skills and knowledge to help the Church regain its footing and move toward revival.

NNU: Overall, how has your NNU experience impacted you?

Sheryl: It has transformed my life and equipped me to lead the church well as we trudge through post-modernism and into the next era. The engagement with Scripture I’ve had has helped me stay focused on the work God is doing through me in the world. It isn’t just an academic exercise; it is a movement of God.

NNU: Complete this sentence: “The most valuable thing I learned at NNU was…”

Sheryl: The most valuable thing I learned at NNU was how to engage with the doubting world through the love of Jesus that flows through me.

NNU: How are you using what you’ve learned from NNU in your current position?

Sheryl: I am leading a small and fragile church in the direction of living on mission for God. Instead of waiting for people to come, we are going and loving people right where they are, showing them the love of Christ.

NNU: At NNU, we often say that an NNU education is designed to help all of us embrace that we are “Here for Good.” What does that mean to you?

Sheryl: NNU is present in the world in a way that encourages people to enter into any of their career fields embodying the love of Jesus. NNU faculty and staff will always be there encouraging you to step into what God is calling you to do.

NNU: Is there anything we haven’t asked you yet that you think would be valuable for us to know?

Sheryl: For the person who holds a full-time job, the Christian Ministry Online degree program can feel daunting. But it is so well-structured and easy to engage that even the difficult classes are manageable.

To learn more about NNU’s Christian Ministry Online degree program and how you can change your world for good, visit nnu.edu/cmo.

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