What’s it like to be a Digital Media student at NNU? Find out how Zach spends his days and what his favorite parts of an NNU education are:
My name is Zach Schwin and I’m a junior Digital Media major at NNU, with an emphasis in Graphic Design and Film.
My favorite thing about the Digital Media program is the amazing professors and the laid-back atmosphere. Everything feels so personal during classes and instead of feeling like you are just sitting in lectures, it feels like you truly get a chance to interact with the professors. This has helped me learn so much since I’ve been here—I always get the best one-on-one instruction.
My favorite campus activities are intramurals and Timeout. These are great ways to connect with new people and solidify existing relationships. With intramurals, you have the opportunity to have fun with friends, teammates and even the opposing team. At Timeout, you get to hear students share their incredible stories and enjoy time to talk to God one-on-one. It has really helped me grow in my relationship with Christ.
Week One of my freshman year is my best NNU memory. The Week One events are where I met almost all of my current best friends. It’s an amazing way to socialize and connect with others. Also, living on my own was really fun and exciting; it’s basically the start of a new life adventure.
On a typical day, I usually get up an hour before my first class. I like to stop by the Bean for a coffee on my way over. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I go to chapel at 10 and then back to classes. If I have time in the afternoon, I like to go to the Dex and get lunch, usually arranging it so I can meet my friends there. Finally, I get back to my dorm room and relax for a while. Depending on what I have planned for the day, I will either do my homework then or later in the evening. Sometimes my friends and I will do spontaneous things like going bowling, going to the movies or swimming at the Rec Center. (And yes, a lot of the time that means procrastinating homework!)
One of my favorite on-campus activities is intramurals. You don’t have to be amazing at sports, the former captain of your high school varsity team or even have any prior experience to play. Intramurals are played for fun and there are a wide variety of options, from flag football to cornhole.
The best advice I could offer would be to do as many events as possible and meet a ton of new people. Week One of freshman year was easily one of the best weeks of my life. If you take the time to put yourself out there, you will feel tightly knit in the NNU community and meet some of the nicest people you’ll ever know.
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