Sep 18, 2024 | Blog

The start of a new school year used to mean a new backpack, maybe a new pair of kicks and some Marvel pencils (if that’s what you’re into). Now that you’ve graduated into college, maybe you still get a new backpack, but you also have a whole new set of responsibilities: classes, social life and maybe a part-time job. Staying on top of it all can be overwhelming, especially if it’s your first time away from home. Here are our best tips for settling into a new school year.

Get Organized Early

You’ll save yourself a whole lot of hassle later if you get organized now.

  • Use a planner or digital calendar: Whatever method works for you is just fine. The important thing is to track important dates like assignment deadlines, exams and social events. A good planner or app like Google Calendar can help you stay on top of your schedule and avoid last-minute cramming. We like this planner but there are many options. If you’re going digital, you can even set reminders a week or so in advance, and if you’re analog, you can still write in reminders well before the due date.
  • Create a daily routine: We know, you thought you might get away from the daily grind once you were in college, but you will find it so much easier to manage everything if you have one. It will help you establish good study habits and use your time efficiently. You know yourself best. What time of day are you most productive? Set that time aside for your most focused work. It may seem boring, but you’ll thank us at the end of the semester!
  • Organize, organize, organize: Set up folders on your computer for each class and be diligent about filing your work in the right place. Doing this simple thing now will make studying and accessing resources easier when the semester pace picks up.

Prioritize Your Time

College comes with newfound freedom (can we get a yay?!). But there’s a flipside to all that freedom. It also requires self-discipline, maybe for the first time ever. Managing your time well is critical so you can balance your academics, extracurricular activities, and have time and energy for the fun that’s so much a part of the college experience.

  • Create a study schedule: This doesn’t have to be a pain. Try the “Pomodoro Technique” (study for 25 minutes, take a 5-minute break). This method could help you keep focused without burning out.
  • Don’t procrastinate: You know this, but any list about student success will include something about procrastination. Start working on projects as soon as they’re assigned, and chip away at them gradually to avoid an all-nighter before deadlines.

Your Professors Want to Help

They really do, especially at NNU. Maximize that. Build a relationship with them. They’re there to support you as well as teach you.

  • Office hours: Every professor has them. Make the most of them. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re struggling with course material. Visiting a professor during their office hours is also a great opportunity to discuss material in more depth or seek advice about careers or graduate school. And, it shows your professors you are taking their class seriously!
  • Participate in class: When you engage in class discussions and ask questions, it shows your professors you’re invested in the course. And bonus—active participation helps reinforce what you’re learning. You’ll remember it better!
  • Email etiquette: When communicating with professors by email, be respectful and professional. Address them properly (e.g., “Dear Professor [Last Name]”) and be clear and concise in your message. And if your professor emails you? Email them back! Ignoring an email sends the message you just don’t care.

Curate a Study-Friendly Environment that Works for You

We know, you’re probably living in a dorm which can feel … well, institutional. Even though you’re living in a small space with a roommate, carve out a study place just for you. Fill it with things that make you feel good and inspired. Having your own study space will have a major impact on your productivity. If you like to listen to music while you study, pop in those earbuds, turn off those phone notifications and work away. This will also help you ignore the distractions of hall life.

  • Set boundaries: Let your roommate and friends know when your study times will be, and stick to them. It will be hard, but resist the urge to go to Dutch Bros when you know it’s your study time.
  • Consider locations other than your dorm room: Maybe you focus best in the Learning Commons. Great! How about The Bean? Grab a latte and go for it.
  • Have the right supplies: Make sure you have all the stuff you need before you start your study session: notebooks, textbooks and your laptop. “Oops, I forgot” is a recipe for blowing off the time you’ve set aside to be focused.

You Need to Take Care of You

We all know academics are important, but you’ve got to be healthy to do your best. Don’t neglect your mental health, or your physical health. College can be stressful, but these basic things you’ve known since kindergarten will really help you stay in top shape.

  • Get enough sleep: This is hard to do in a dorm, but you really need 7-9 hours of sleep for optimum performance. Getting enough sleep will help your memory, concentration and enhance your overall well-being.
  • Eat healthy meals: Fuel your brain with nutritious food. Try to incorporate fruits, vegetables and proteins into each of your meals. Staying hydrated is also important for maintaining your energy level.
  • Exercise: Physical activity is a great stress reliever and can boost your mood. Whether it’s going to the gym, jogging or even taking a walk, make time to move your body each day

Get Involved on Campus

College isn’t just about academics; it’s also a time to explore your interests, meet new people, and develop lifelong skills. Getting involved in campus activities can help you build connections and make the most of your time. Go to a game, run or walk. Check out Journeys on campus. The Nampa/Boise area is close to all kinds of outdoor recreation. Journeys can connect you with trips, equipment and quench your thirst for adventure!

Stay Connected to Your Support System

Even though the new school year is exciting, adjusting to a new routine can be challenging, especially if you are away from home for the first time. It’s normal to feel sad sometimes or miss family and friends you’ve left behind. So text them! They will love to hear from you. Maintaining these relationships can help you feel supported in a new situation.

  • Be intentional: Set times to call or video chat with your family and friends. Having regular times you are in touch will foster long distance relationships even when life gets busy.
  • Seek out campus resources: Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re feeling overwhelmed or need guidance. The great team at NNU’s Wellness Center is there for you!

We know a new year is exciting, but it’s also a time of growth and adjustment. You’ve got this and NNU’s got you every step of the way. We can’t buy you new shoes to celebrate the new year, or a new backpack, but we want you to be successful, healthy and fulfilled during your time at NNU!

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