Concurrent Credit

Course Descriptions

Concurrent Credit Course Descriptions

Explore the future with concurrent credit courses at our University. Elevate your education by earning college credit while in high school. Discover the possibilities today. Not all courses are offered at all high schools. Check with your principal or school counselor to find out which courses are offered at your high school.

ARDE1040 Drawing I
Drawing I (3 credits) An exploration of drawing with a foundation in observational studies. Throughout the course a broad range of drawing materials and applications will be introduced. Includes lecture and discussion on the history of drawing and the nature of drawing in contemporary art.
ARDE2010 3D Design

3d Design (3 credits) An introductory studio experience, this course examines both technical and aesthetic relationships specific to three-dimensional forms as well as creative problem-solving through manipulation of various media and techniques. This course also emphasizes tool usage and studio safety.

ARDE2020 Survey of Visual Art

Survey of Visual Art (3 credits) An introduction to the stylistic characteristics and cultural context of important artistic movements in art history. Students will have the opportunity to challenge their pre-conceptions of what “good” art is, think critically about how they approach looking at a piece of artwork, and develop relevant vocabulary for discussing visual art. Every student who takes this course should leave with a greater appreciation for the ways that our contemporary society is built upon the foundation of art and culture from the past and have the tools and confidence to engage with that culture.

ARDE2430 Introduction to Computer Graphics

Introduction to Computer Graphics (3 credits) An introductory digital design course emphasizing industry-standard drawing, photo editing, and layout computer applications, especially the Adobe Creative Suite. Students will gain foundational technical skills that are applied through relevant projects.

ARDE2760 Photography I

Photography I (3 credits) An introductory course in the fundamentals of black and white photography and the medium as a means of visual expression. Students will learn 35mm camera operation, film developing and darkroom printing. Basic design principles are reinforced through assignments, as well as a study of historical photographers and their work. Students should have a 35mm SLR camera. Prerequisites: Instructor permission required.

BIOL1010/1010L Introduction to Biology & Laboratory

Introduction to Biology (3 credits) & Laboratory (1 credit): A survey of key biological principles including subject area of cell structure, physiology, zoology, botany, ecology, genetics, and evolution. Course goals include helping students develop an understanding of nature and processes of science, and exploring how key biological concepts apply to citizens. It is designed for the general student and will not meet major requirements for degrees in Biology.

BIOL1040 Environmental Science

Environmental Science (3 credits) A study of the issues pertaining to environmental sustainability including topics such as population growth, energy, pollution, and conserving biodiversity.

BIOL1060/BIOL1060L Human Biology & Laboratory
Human Biology (3 credits) & Laboratory (1 credit): Selected topics related to the human body with particular emphasis on the integration of form and function as well as genetics and ethics. This course does not apply toward major requirements in biology.
BIOL2220/2220L General Biology I & Laboratory

General Biology I (3 credits) Laboratory (1 credit): A survey of the basic concepts of biology with emphasis on cellular processes, genetic principles and man’s place in nature. This course is designed for students who intend to major in the sciences and those in pre-medicine and related fields.

BIOL2230/2230L General Biology II & Laboratory

General Biology II (3 credits) & Laboratory (1 credit): A survey of the basic concepts of biology with emphasis on life’s diversity. This course introduces students to systematics, taxonomy, and the biology of representatives from the domains of Eubacteria (true bacteria), Archaea (methanogenic bacteria, etc.) and Eukarya (protists, fungi, plants, and animals). This course is designed for students who intend to major in the sciences and those in pre-medicine and related fields.

BSNS2170 Computer Application in Business

Computer Applications in Business (3 credits) Introduction to computers as a tool for business including fundamental concepts of information technology and the use of business application software including word processing, spreadsheets, database, graphics, electronic communications, and World Wide Web. Prerequisites: Computer proficiency.

BSNS2220 Business Communication
Business Communication (3 credits) Study of the process and objectives of effective business writing and presentations. The course includes a review of English composition in basic business correspondence and e-systems.
BSNS2330 Business Statistics
Business Statistics (3 credits) An introductory course to statistical theory and applications for business decision-making purposes. Topics include the role and use of statistics, tables and graphs, data analysis, probability distributions, descriptive measures, and statistical inference, including sampling, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, analysis of variance, quality control, and regression analysis. Fulfills the General Education Mathematics Competency requirement. Prerequisites: Minimum ACT math score of 21, SAT Math score of 550,or Compass Algebra score of 46, or passed MATH0950 Intermediate Algebra, or instructor’s permission.
CHEM1040/1040L Forensic Science & Laboratory

Forensic Science (3 credits) & Laboratory (1 credit) An introductory course in forensic chemistry, biology, and physics for the general student. This course will explore the science related to forensics such as data collection, DNA analysis, entomology, drugs, explosives, and ballistics. No prior knowledge of chemistry is assumed. Offered: Alternate years.

CHEM1060/1060L Chemistry for Citizens & Laboratory
Chemistry for Citizens (3 credits) & Laboratory (1 credit) An examination of the role of chemistry in today’s science: historical aspects, technological advances, industrial applications, environment, and ecological applications. No prior knowledge of chemistry is assumed.
CHEM1200/1200L Principles of General Chemistry & Laboratory

Principles of General Chemistry (3 credits) & Laboratory (1 credit) This course will prepare a student for entry into either CHEM1210 or CHEM2210. A grounding in major principles of general chemistry including atoms, nomenclature, molecular structure, bonding and stoichiometry. No prior knowledge of chemistry is assumed. Prerequisites: High School Algebra.

CHEM1210/1210L Principles of Organic and Biochemistry & Laboratory
Principles of Organic and Biochemistry (3 credits) & Laboratory (1 credit) An introduction to the major areas of chemistry needed for a career in the health sciences including stoichiometry, states of matter, pH, equilibrium, organic functional groups, organic structure, reactions, lipids, carbohydrates, steroids, proteins, enzymes, RNA-DNA, metabolism and the chemistry of nutrition. Prerequisites: High school chemistry or CHEM1200.
CHEM2210/2210L General Chemistry I & Laboratory
General Chemistry I (3 credits) & Laboratory (1 credit) An in-depth survey of the principles underlying chemistry including atomic structure, periodic table and laws, bonding, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, states of matter, pH, nuclear and industrial chemistry. Previous chemistry is recommended. Prerequisites: Math ACT 21 or equivalent on Compass Exam.
CHEM2220/2220L General Chemistry II & Laboratory
General Chemistry II (3 credits) & Laboratory (1 credit) An in-depth survey of the principles underlying chemistry, including solutions, acids/bases, solubility, thermodynamics, kinetics, and electrochemistry. Emphasis is placed on a quantitative understanding of chemical phenomena. Prerequisites: CHEM2210.
CHIN1010/1020 Elementary Chinese
Elementary Chinese (4 credits each) This course is designed for students with beginning knowledge of Chinese language. Students will learn to communicate orally in both preset situations as well as spontaneous dialogues. They will present information on familiar topics. They will learn to communicate using the language and language cues in order to facilitate oral communication. Students will continue to learn the Chinese writing system through character practice and short readings. The goal by the end of the year should be working knowledge of around 800 characters. Students will work on writing, both using a compute with Chinese input as well as practice writing on paper. Students will also be introduced to Chinese culture and be encouraged to understand and compare the cultural differences between China and their own culture.
COMM1010 Introduction to Communications
Introduction to Communications (3 credits) An introduction to the foundations of the field of communication and the communication process. Topics will include communication theories, areas of communication, and how communication affects society and research in the field.
COMM1210 Introduction to Public Speaking
Introduction to Public Speaking (3 credits) An introduction to verbal communication in groups, listening and public speaking. Emphasis will be placed on speaking with delivery issues, speech construction, audience connection, and the communication process.
COMM2120 Communication Activities
Communication Activities (1 credit) Opportunities for Communication and Mass Communication majors as well as non-majors to prepare for and participate in a variety of communication activities, including forensics, drama, and productions. Specific options include, but are not limited to, the Fall Play, the Spring Play, Reader’s Theater, major television and film productions, and the forensics team. May be repeated for credit.
COMP1220 Introduction to Computer Science
Introduction to Computer Science (3 credits) Provides a broad coverage of topics in computer science and its applications. Investigates the capabilities of computer technology. Includes an introductory experience in programming. Also includes introductions to professional ethics and careers. Prerequisites: An ACT Math score of 23 or its equivalent.
COMP2220/2220L Computer Programming & Laboratory
Computer Programming (3 credits) & Laboratory (1 credit) Further study of the syntax and semantics of programming language using object-oriented design methodology. Problem-solving heuristic and algorithm development will be emphasized. Prerequisites: ENGR1010 or COMP1220.
CRIM1500 Introduction to Criminal Justice
Introduction to Criminal Justice (3 credits) This course is an overview of the criminal justice system in the United States and covers four major content areas: the nature of crime and laws; policing and law enforcement; courts and adjudication; and corrections.
ECON1010 Personal Finance
Personal Finance (3 credits) An introduction to personal economics decision making with emphasis on the financial choices faced by individuals in the build-up and management of net worth. Topics covered include education and experience, earning and spending, savings and debt, taxes and inflation, insurance, investments, and contracts.
ECON1050 Analysis of Economic Issues
Analysis of Economic Issues (3 credits) Introduction of the theory of supply and demand, and application of this theory to economic issues such as social security, crime, medical care, poverty, higher education, economic systems, pollution, bit business, free trade, the U.S. national debt, and economic growth. Prerequisites: ACT mathematics core of 20 or better.
ECON2410 Microeconomic Analysis
Microeconomic Analysis (3 credits) A study and application of microeconomic analysis; includes supply, demand, pricing, consumer choice, and international concerns.
ECON2420 Macroeconomic Analysis
Macroeconomic Analysis (3 credits) A study and application of macroeconomic analysis; includes gross national product, national income, consumption, investment, inflation, and economic growth and development, and international applications.
ENGL1040 English Composition

A course intended to develop in students college-level writing skills by stimulating them to think critically and express themselves clearly through a variety of different writing methods. Emphasis on writing processes—including pre-writing and drafting, global revision, and editing for style and conventions of standard usage. To receive credit for this course, a student must earn a grade of C- or better. Prerequisite: CCP students taking this course should be at junior or senior status with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.

ENGL1094 Literature: Short Fiction
Literature: Short Fiction (3 credits) Short fiction introduces students to the study of literature at the university level through the medium of the short story, covering stories drawn primarily from the United States and Europe, from 1800 to the present. For the course to count for NNU General Education requirements, the student must earn a grade of C or better.
ENGR1010 Introduction to Engineering
Introduction to Engineering (3 credits) An introduction to the engineering profession, the engineering disciplines, and the engineering design process. Principles of professionalism, ethics, teamwork, and problem solving. Introduction to engineering software tools such as MATLAB, Mathematica, and Excel. Team-oriented, hands-on design project.
ENGR1050 Engineering Graphics and Design
Engineering Graphics and Design (3 credits) An introduction to Engineering computer-aided design and rapid prototyping. Use of design tools, such as Auto CAD and SolidWorks, along with a 3D printer, and a CNC mill to fabricate rapid prototype parts. Drawings include pictorial, orthographic projection, auxiliary, and section views.
FREN1010, 1020 Elementary French
Elementary French (4 credits each) (Semester-long courses) For students who have less than two years of high school French. These courses are designed to be taken in sequence. Objective: to help students acquire an active command of the four basic communication skills (speaking, oral comprehension, writing, reading) in French as well as an awareness of how French language and culture are intimately intertwined.
FREN2010, 2020 Intermediate French
Intermediate French (4 credits each) (Semester-long courses) For students who have had at least two years of high school French or one year of college French. This sequence is designed to reactivate and further develop communication skills in French and to enhance cultural awareness of French-speaking cultures and literature. Prerequisites: FREN1010, 1020; or equivalent.
HIST1030 The World and The West I
The World and The West (3 credits) Begins with the classical eras, both east and west (ca. 600 BC) and ends in about 1600. The course goal is twofold: to understand both the primary cultural heritage of the world and their growing interconnectedness, and to put the energy and distinctiveness of the Western tradition into perspective with other political worlds and religious worldviews.
HIST1040 The World and The West II
The World and The West II (3 credits) Begins in 1600 and proceeds to the present, trying to understand and assess the parallel and increasing interactive developments in the West and other parts of the world. Colonial enterprises of many types interact with indigenous cultures and systems in what we now call “third world” areas. Nation-building with competitive empires affects Europe, Africa, and Asia. Very different independence struggles punctuate 19th and 20th century history.
HIST1070 American History Survey
American History Survey (3 credits) A study of American history from European exploration to the present, with attention to the founding of the United States, the major developments and events, and the role of the citizen in U.S. history. This course is designed for the general student and will not meet major requirements for degrees in history.
HIST2030 Conflict and Consensus: American History to 1877
Conflict and Consensus: American History to 1877 (3 credits) An introduction to American history from the period of exploration and colonization to the conclusion of Reconstruction. Major themes and events include the European settlement of North America, Native American responses to European development of colonial America, the war for American Independence, nation-building in the Early Republic, the development of slavery, western expansion, the Civil War and Reconstruction.
HIST2040 Conflict and Consensus: American History from 1877
Conflict and Consensus: American History 1877 to present (3 credits) An introduction to American history from the conclusion of reconstruction to recent times. Major themes include Western expansion, industrialization and urbanization, imperialism, two world wars, American life between the wars, radicalism and revolt and the post-Cold War world.
KINE1000 Fundamental of Wellness & Laboratory

Fundamental of Wellness (1 Credit) & Laboratory (0 credits) An approach to health and physical education relating to the value of physical activity to the human body. The content of the course will be presented by utilizing lecture and laboratory sessions. The course emphasizes “holistic” wellness approach to the individual regarding the five dimensions of wellness. Corequisites: KINE1000L.

MATH1300 College Algebra
College Algebra (3 credits) Topics include polynomial arithmetic, synthetic division, zeroes of polynomials, systems of linear equations, matrices and matrix multiplication. Prerequisite: ACT score of 23 or instructor’s permission.
MATH1400 Trigonometry
Trigonometry (3 credits) Topics include the study of the trigonometric functions, plane trigonometry, and analytic trigonometry. Prerequisites: MATH1300 (a grade of C or better); or an ACT score of 26, or instructor’s permission.
MATH2240 Elementary Statistics
Elementary Statistics (3 credits) Introduction to statistical terminology and basic concepts, including common uses and misuses of statistics. Topics include experimental design, sampling, descriptive statistics, correlation and regression, probability, and tests of significance. This is a valuable course for students in all majors. This course satisfies the General Education mathematics competency requirement. Prerequisites: ACT score of 21, COMPASS score equivalent to an ACT of 21, receiving credit for MATH0900, or instructor’s permission.
MATH2510 Calculus I
Calculus I (4 credits) Limits, derivatives, integration and applications of the derivative, applications of integrals, integration techniques, logarithmic, exponential, trig and inverse trig functions. Prerequisites: MATH1400 (a grade of C or better), an ACT score of 28, or instructor’s permission.
MATH2520 Calculus II

Calculus II (4 credits) Infinite series, vectors, partial differentiation, multiple integrals. Students must verify prerequisites the first day of class. Prerequisites: MATH2510

PHYS1110/1110L College Physics I & Laboratory
College Physics I (3 credits) & Laboratory (1 credit) A comprehensive non-calculus based approach to the fields of physics. Designed for students whose career goals are architecture, business, physical therapy, science education, and pre-medicine. Emphasis is placed on problem-solving. Topics covered include mechanics, heat and thermodynamics, and sound. Prerequisites: MATH1300, 1400; or pass the COMPASS math examination through trigonometry.
POLS1010 American National Politics
American National Politics (3 credits) An introduction to American politics from the 18th century to the present. Major themes and events include the writing of the U.S. Constitution, the development of American political principles and institutions, and contemporary political practices and issues in the U.S.
PSYC1550 Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Psychology (3 credits) A study of the basic principles of human behavior, giving attention to developmental patterns, motivation and adjustment, learning and memory processes, and individual differences in aptitude, personality, and mental health.
SPAN1015, 1025 Elementary Spanish
Elementary Spanish (4 semester credits each) (Semester-long courses) For students who wish to begin the study of Spanish. The acquisition of basic vocabulary sounds and structures with emphasis on conversation. An introduction to Spanish and Hispano-American cultures.
SPAN2015, 2025 Intermediate Spanish

Intermediate Spanish (4 semester credits each) (Semester-long courses) For students who have had at least two years of high school Spanish or one year of college Spanish. A refinement of basic skills and structure with continued emphasis on conversation and increasing emphasis on composition and reading. Prerequisites: SPAN1015, 1025; or equivalent.