Spiritual Life

University Mission & Ministry

University Mission & Ministry

University Mission & Ministry is the place to come for all your ministry needs. Connect with the University Chaplain, the Assistant to the President for Congregational Engagement or the Wesley Center and discover helpful resources to guide you through your mission and ministry journey.

The Office of University Mission & Ministry oversees NNU’s institutional commitment to faith integration throughout everything the University does, as well as the University’s connection to local congregations and their pastors.

Chaplain’s Office

The University Chaplains provide leadership for campus spiritual life through responsibility for all chapel programming, worship, discipleship, pastoral care, mission trips, administration and Christian community building. Check out some resources for staying connected with the University Chaplains:

preacher preaching to crowd

Congregational Engagement

The Assistant to the President for Congregational Engagement extends NNU’s relationship with pastors and congregations across the Church of the Nazarene’s Northwest Field using a variety of channels and also deepens connections with those from other traditions beyond the Church of the Nazarene.

preacher preaching to crowd

The Wesley Center

The Wesley Center seeks to embed Christ-centered discipleship across the university’s campus and curriculum and to support the mission of the Church of the Nazarene throughout the Northwest and globally.

The Wesley Center Online is a collection of historical and scholarly resources about the Wesleyan Tradition, theology, Christianity and the Church of the Nazarene.

two faculty speaking on stage at chapel

Congregational Engagement Resources

In addition to our degree programs, NNU offers a full menu of helpful resources, channels and materials for pastors and churches across the Church of the Nazarene’s Northwest Fields.

Lifelong Learning

Pastor’s Campus Retreat
NNU “Iron Sharpens Iron” Video Showcase

Iron Sharpens Iron

Iron Sharpens Iron is a weekly conversation of fellowship, learning, and encouragement. Most every Monday at 11am MST, NNU hosts a variety of speakers who share on topics to empower and encourage pastors and laity.


Student Ministry Groups - NNU Collective

NNU Student Ministry Groups are a great resource to get that personal NNU connection at your church or camp! Find out more about the NNU Collective and request a team to visit here.

Additional Resources

Northwest Field NYI
NNU On the Road
NNU Ministry Publications
Transformation Stories
Request a Student Ministry Group

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