Jul 11, 2023 | News

Northwest Nazarene University (NNU) will host a peer evaluation team from the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) to conduct a comprehensive visit October 25 through 27, 2023.

NNU is proud to have achieved and maintained formal accreditation through the NWCCU since 1930. This accreditation represents the University’s voluntary and conscientious commitment to quality assurance and institutional improvement through participation in a seven-year accreditation cycle, which includes annual reports and more substantive self-evaluation reports in years three, six and seven.

The year-seven report, called the Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness (EIE), includes a comprehensive narrative response to NWCCU standards and eligibility requirements. NNU will submit its EIE Report in August 2023, which will be followed by a site visit from a peer evaluation team October 2023. These peer evaluators, who are part of a volunteer corps, trained by the NWCCU, and drawn from faculty and staff at other universities in the NWCCU region, review the EIE Report and use their time on campus to ask questions and offer feedback. NNU’s last year-seven report and visit was completed in 2016, resulting in a reaffirmation of accreditation status. The college’s year-three report was accepted in 2019 and year-six report was accepted in 2022.

Community members are invited to send comments to the NWCCU office, up to 10 days before the start of the evaluation visit. Comments must address substantive matters related to the quality of the institution or its academic programs and will be made available to the institution, evaluation team and the Commission prior to the scheduled visit. Online submissions can be shared on NWCCU’s website. Comments can also be shared by mail: Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, 8060 165th Ave NE, Suite 200, Redmond, WA 98052.

For questions about accreditation at NNU, please contact Duane Slemmer at

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