Want a question answered? Ask Siri, Alexa, Google or Chat GPT! Easy, right? Not so fast! We live in a day when artificial intelligence (AI) and search engines provide instant access to vast amounts of information. So why are research skills still relevant? Because...
The Northwest Nazarene Divinity School (formerly Graduate School of Theology) at Northwest Nazarene University is hosting a comprehensive evaluation visit for reaffirmation of accreditation by the ATS Commission on Accrediting on March 16-19, 2025. The purpose of this...
‘Tis the season of New Year’s Resolutions, those pesky goals we tend to set for ourselves this time of year. You’ve probably heard that most resolutions fail: 91% of Americans fail to complete them, and a full 43% quit trying by the end of January, according to...
You can think of choosing a graduate program like drawing a blueprint. An architect considers every element in a blueprint with the goal to create a strong, enduring structure. It’s the same with choosing a graduate program. It requires a clear vision of your goals,...
We’ve all heard it: networking is one of the primary ways you can reach your academic and career goals. But how do you do it? What if you are an introvert and really don’t like “meet and greet” events? It doesn’t have to be daunting. We’ve got five easy strategies to...
Everyone knows a Tyler. Star athlete, outgoing, National Honor Society in high school and graduated Summa Cum Laude in college with an accounting degree. He is driven, ambitious and determined to succeed at his dream of becoming successful in international business...
A Comprehensive Guide Beginning your journey to a graduate degree is more than just filling out paperwork and online research about programs. You might not realize it, but a physical visit to a university is just as important when deciding on a graduate program as it...
Managing Expectations & Stress Lynsey has always wanted to help others. From the time she was a child, her friends confided in her, knowing she would listen well and help them sort through their thoughts. Now, at age 25 with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and...
Josh, a 26-year-old insurance adjuster with a degree in business administration is considering getting his MBA. A quick Google search for “graduate school rankings” yields a dizzying array of hits. On the first page alone, there are rankings from at least 10 different...
The year is winding down; we have our routines and schedules that are finally feeling comfortable. So the thought of graduate school may bring up a lot of hesitation. At this point in your life, the commitment of another responsibility may just seem like too much to...