Aug 20, 2020 | Blog

Students in front of Brandt CenterNORTHWEST NAZARENE UNIVERSITY

Everyone has a tagline…those three or four words that define the heart of the organization. For us, what breathes life into our organization is “Here for Good.” And for us, it’s more than just words that we put on our website. It’s more than simply a mantra. It’s our brand promise. It’s a way of life that we aspire to live.

In complete and total transparency, we are a university…Northwest Nazarene University, to be precise. Yes, we believe that we offer an incredible education that transforms the lives of our students. But we are not here to sell you anything. We are not here to deliver a bunch of marketing materials or persuasive appeals on why our university is better than the competition. We are simply here as a way to live into our brand promise—we are Here for Good.

We know the college search can sometimes be a challenging, confusing process that often leads to more questions than answers. Although we realize each individual’s journey is a very personal one, beginning and ending at different destinations, some universals in the college search process can serve as guardrails and give you the confidence so you can guide your child to succeed.

We see this as an opportunity to put our words into action and to share our expertise and experience in guiding students through the college process—regardless of what college or university you and your child ultimately decide to pursue.

With our expertise in the process and your expertise in who your child is and what they want in a college, together, we can find a way to launch your child’s future. This is where questions can be asked, resources will be shared, community can flourish and the college search process can be demystified.

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Duane & Lori Stueckle Nursing Scholarship

Duane & Lori Stueckle Nursing Scholarship

The Northwest Nazarene University Nursing department is honored to announce a generous gift of $100,000.00 from local philanthropists Duane and Lori Stueckle. This incredible donation has established the Duane and Lori Stueckle Endowed Nursing Scholarship, which ...